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Champion Scholarship Program

The CHAMPION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM aims to identify and remove financial barriers for families who desire to further the development of a qualified student-athlete through sports and education.

Candidates are chosen on the basis of their outstanding character, academic standing, and motivation to learn.

The CHAMPION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM helps to ensure the development and growth of all future student-athletes.

CHAMPION Scholarship Application


Chris Rix

Become a Partner with the Champion Scholarship Program and Make an IMPACT

CORPORATE Partner: $12K+/year
LEGACY Partner: $500+/mo
HERO Partner: $100 - $250/mo
CHAMPION Partner: $25 - $50/mo

To Join our Scholarship Team and securely process your contributions Call:
(909)  762-8975

Or Email:


*Submit your donation through our secure and trusted Square site 

*A tax deductible receipt will be emailed to you once your donation has been processed.

*To Join our Scholarship Team as a monthly partner email: